Arkyo International

"You Need, We Provide"

ARKYO INTERNATIONAL is a company established since 2014. Its main objective is to serve as an alternative for industrial companies to save money and work together in material management. Its founders, Yohayra and Arkel, have around 20 years of experience providing services in the industrial and traditional bakery markets. This extensive experience has been crucial to their company's success. They are always willing to meet client requests beyond the traditional scope, becoming specialized suppliers for each of their clients.

We buy directly from manufacturing plants around the world, importing products and ingredients from places such as France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Colombia, USA, Malaysia, and Indonesia among others. We distribute in PR, Virgin Islands, the Caribbean, and soon to Latin America. Their commitment and dedication make them part of their clients' operations, collaborating in sourcing products for the development of new projects

Key Features and Benefits

  • Planning: "We study the specific needs, resources, and location of customers to design specialized purchase and storage plans."
  • Purchasing Efficiency: "Our customers have been able to reduce inventories and increase cash flow significantly."
  • Inventory Reduction: "Our warehouses are key in reducing our customers’ inventory and material management workload"

Services Overview

  • Planning and Purchasing: "We plan and purchase for you, determining appropriate delivery times and developing future purchase strategies efficiently to reduce your inventory."
  • Dispatch and Customization: "We dispatch your products from our warehouses using a personalized program."
  • Special Orders: "We take special orders outside our traditional scope."
  • Research and Development: "Expertise in ingredients and product formulation according to your needs, providing technical support and additional warehouse space for product consolidation

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